Night of the SAINT

GENESEO, IL, March 14, 2017 – Springfield Armory is pleased to announce the online video premiere of Night of the SAINT, part documentary and part competition, highlighting six bold women who have chosen to seize control of their safety and their legacies. These competitors will conquer a series of intensive training and competitive scenarios using Springfield Armory’s newest personal defense rifle, the SAINT.
Viewers can watch the premier at or directly on YouTube.
Last fall, concurrent with the release of Springfield Armory’s SAINT personal defense rifle, the company embarked on a search to find six forward-thinking and independent women who believe in their ability to protect themselves. Not professional shooters or those in full-time tactical professions, these women represent everyday Americans who have decided to train their skills against the possibility of everyday threats.
Leading up to Night of the SAINT, a shooting and endurance competition like no other, the group completed an intensive five-day training program lead by former Navy Seal and professional defense trainer Eric Frohardt.
While the competition will name a single overall winner, the real protagonists for the competitors are themselves. Frohardt offered this perspective to competitors on day one. “Well, the first lesson you should learn is the others here are not your opponents. The opponent you’re going to do battle with, the one you have to train for, the one you have to harness your nerves for, to stare in the eye and defeat—that opponent is your fear. Fear is the protagonist in this story. Your fear. We’re going to see if you can beat it.”
With that welcome, the group began the rigorous training regimen including at least six hours per day shooting the Springfield Armory SAINT AR-15 in a broad array of tactical situations. Beyond a test of each competitor’s mettle, the program aimed to prepare them for a daunting five scenario course to be conquered in one single night – the Night of the SAINT. Not all competitors will make it to the Night of the SAINT. Only the top three, graded on shooting proficiency, attitude, firearms safety and discipline, and situational awareness, will have the opportunity to compete in the final event.
As the ultimate test of their training, Frohardt and team designed the final event, “The Night of the Saint” to host five challenging courses of fire. Finalists can expect to be stressed, and even surprised, by obstacles and “foes” presented in the final evolution. The winner will be the skilled shooter who best represents the ideals of Springfield Armory and the concept of Defending Your Legacy.
The Night of the SAINT will feature these six competitors.
Raquel “ROCKY”, Age 30, Fayetteville, NC @rockysguns
A military wife, Rocky spent her formative years in Mexico and now fervently supports the Second Amendment and relishes the freedom it provides. She has a strong planning mindset and while not the oldest in the group, seems mature beyond her years.
Alex, Age 26, Myrtle Beach, SC @alex_zedra
Feeling just as at home riding waves as she is on a dirt bike, Alex was taught from a young age that no goal was out of reach if she was willing to put her mind and body to work. Her determined mindset comes alive on the range, as shooting has become part of her identity.
Steff, Age 26, Dallas, TX @best_of_ess
A nurse who splits her time between Dallas and Los Angeles, Steff’s ambitions for her work and personal growth have taught her not only how to take care of herself, but those around her.
Katelyn, Age 29, Salt Lake City, UT @secondamendmentmommy
Katelyn’s story draws from a personal experience— having witnessed her own mother have to defend herself against an attacker. Now proficient in shooting and a practicing martial artist in Muay Thai, she’s more than capable of protecting herself and her children.
Tracy, Age 24, Evansville, IN @tt_racyy
The youngest of the group, Tracy hails from a small town where she works as a mold machine operator. Her discipline on the range and in the gym is evident through her firearm handling skills and physical and mental fitness.
Holly, Age 30, San Diego, CA @thewildyolo
Holly’s story starts with her Jeep, Miss Tina, which she purchased before she decided to leave the corporate world of cubicles. She and her adventure partner now explore the United States to wherever adventure and curiosity take them.
The Night of the SAINT will be broadcast from and on YouTube.
About Springfield Armory
“The First Name in American Firearms,” Springfield Armory® was founded in 1777, when George Washington ordered the creation of an armory to store ammunition and gun carriages during the American Revolution. In 1794, the armory began to manufacture muskets and spent the next 150 years supplying firearms for every major American conflict. The original armory closed in 1968. In 1974, the Reese family took ownership of the Springfield Armory name and began making the M1A rifle. Today, Springfield Armory develops many products loyal to the company’s heritage, like the 1911 pistol, while ensuring its future with innovative products, including the XD, XD Mod.2, XD-M and XD-S polymer pistols and now the new SAINT AR-15 rifle.